Sunday, October 31, 2010

Farmer's Market Brunch

Halloween morning my husband and I attended a free yoga class at lululemon in Walnut Creek at 9:30am. They served some Halloween treats, but I didn't touch those of course. I did happily accept a banana and split it with my husband.

After the wonderful restorative yoga class we headed down the nearby farmer's market and I had a delightful time sampling everything in sight. For an incredibly small amount of money we left with bags of produce, which I detailed in this post.

Breakfast: A bowl of raw granola with fruit on top.

Brunch: Half a banana and a cup of water.

Lunch: (At the farmer's market.) Four to six slices of apple, two slices of persimmon, five grapes, seven or eight pieces of dried fruit, one slice of pear, one sip of raw pomegranate juice, one sip of raw apple cider, and one bite of sorrel. (There may have been a few other things as well that I'm forgetting.)

Snack: A smoothie with yellow mango, nut milk, spinach, two spoonfuls of pumpkin pie, several slices of frozen peach and a fresh organic banana.

Dinner: A salad with avocado, lettuce, spinach, onion, seeds, sorrel and parsley.

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