Monday, November 1, 2010

Potluck Picnic on Mt. Diablo

Breakfast: A few bites of pumpkin pie.

Brunch: A smoothie with the water from soaked dates, the water from soaked nuts, and the water from soaked sunflower seeds as well as nutmilk as the liquid base. From there, I added spinach, cucumber, half a fresh banana, half a frozen banana, a bite of frozen pear, five or six frozen peach slices, some fresh peach, some fresh mango and a few bites of pumpkin pie. (I split this very large smoothie with my husband.)

Lunch: Potluck Picnic on Mt. Diablo

What I ate in total: two spicy sweet avocado wraps, an additional half avocado, an apple and a half, a quarter of a parmisson, and a hefty helping of the dessert I brought:

The desserts had two variations both with the same crust. The crust was made up of soaked nuts, soaked seeds and soaked dates as well a coconut shreds. One filling was made from the leftover pumpkin pie mixed with some fresh banana and fresh peach. The other filling only had a hint of the leftover pie with added soaked nuts, added soaked dates, a banana and a half, some mango and some peach. The end result had a very thick sweet almost-pasty texture.

Snack: A bite of tomato.

I never did eat dinner; I went to bed early. I was tired from the long weekend. Yoga, walking around Walnut Creek, the long hike around Mt. Diablo, and not to mention a lot of hours spent in the kitchen thinking up things and creating them. Also, I had gotten up at 2:00am Monday morning to start working on my writing.

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